Increase Your Sales with Authorify
How It Works?
Create, Publish, & Use Your Books To Generate More Sales In Three Easy Steps
"The books put you right on top because they're so professionally done. Your picture is on the cover. All the ideas inside are very appealing to sellers or buyers."

In California

Step 1
Choose Your Book
Choose Your Book From Our Library of Over Twenty Niche Templates
We have over twenty unique books for you to choose from. From books on Expired Listings to For Sale By Owners, our library has the perfect book for your real estate niche.
Choose the book that best represents your client’s situation, prove you understand their unique needs, and turn those those niches into riches.
Authorify Digital & Premium Members have access to either our Home Buyer or Home Seller book. Authorify Platinum members can choose any niche specific book in our library.
Step 2
Customize Your Book
Select a Book Cover Template & Customize Your Book's Look and Feel
After you choose your book, you can customize it and make it uniquely yours. Select the book cover you prefer and add your own photo with the click of a button.
Next, you can customize the content of the book as much or as little as you’d like.

Step 3
Publish Your Book
Once You're Satisfied With The Edits To Your Book, You're Ready To Publish
Now your book is customized and ready for publication! In just a few clicks, you can send your book off for print. You’ll also want to check your email for your shareable digital book link.
Your Digital Book is more relevant than ever and can be sent to anyone via text or email.
Your Digital Book is more relevant than ever. Email or text your clients a link to your Digital Book so they can read it any time, anywhere. You can even add a link to your Digital Book in your email signature. There’s no limit to how many times you can share it.
Hard copies of books never go out of style. People love having an actual physical book they can hold and feel.
Your book will be kept on a coffee table or bookshelf, not thrown in the trash like a flyer or business card. A book is a high-value item that is kept around and can generate new leads for you long after you’ve left a listing appointment.
A hard copy of your book is a physical reminder of your expertise and lends weight to your position as an authority and guide. Your book is educational and informative, not ‘salesy’ like other marketing material.
Step 4
Use Your Book
Use Your Book As the Ultimate Lead Generation & Sales Closing Tool
4.1 In Person

4.2 Digital Marketing
4.3 Offline Advertising

Introducing The
Authorify Digital Bundle
Digital Book + Success Training + Lead Capture Site

A complete marketing system that allows you to capture leads and convert them into clients with your own personally branded book.
Give your clients something unique that answers their most pressing questions about buying and selling.